The Magic Weekend in Höljes works the magic for MJP Racing

Top times by Kevin Eriksson all weekend take him to the final in Sweden while Timo Scheider can show that he is able to impress on classic RX tracks.

Great weather and 45.000 spectators showed once more that the title Magic Weekend is justified. Kevin Eriksson used each qualification to show his performance on the classic track and take top notch places. The LionRX2 cars were upgraded shortly before Höljes with a new engine and performed flawlessly. But also Timo Scheider was able to show his fans, who travelled all the way from Germany, that he can be counted upon. Solid placements in qualifications take him to the semi final where he has to slot behind the factory cars.
Kevin Eriksson takes second place in his semi final and thus row 2 in the final. There, Kevin takes the Supercharge Award for the fastest reaction time off the grid and makes P5 not loosing much time to the first place.

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