TitansRX adds Perry McCarthy for Lydden Hill and beyond

Perry McCarthy will make his motorsport comeback in TitansRX at Lydden Hill, 15 years after hanging up his helmet.

The former-Formula 1 driver and Le Mans regular will join the series from his home event, and will compete in every single round for the remainder of the season.

„I’m so proud and delighted to be coming back to motor racing at this level, this has got me written all over it like you cannot believe,“ said McCarthy. „It’s a big challenge ahead, but it’s given me something to get my teeth into.“

As well his motorsport exploits, McCarthy is perhaps best-known for portraying ‚The Stig‘ on BBC’s Top Gear. McCarthy was the black-suited test driver for the first two series of the reimagined show, before he was ‚killed off‘ in 2002.

After leaving the show, McCarthy ended his full-time driving career not long after, but is itching to get back behind the wheel after a lengthy hiatus.

„Since I retired it’s all just been about personal appearances and not competing, but now it’s coming back, this is a challenge that I’ve not just been presented with, but I want,“ he said. „The nature of the series is all about entertainment and we’re trying to provide something that says ‘look, this is fantastic stuff’, and it’s not just great on-track, the entire ambience of it, the driver reach and who’s involved … this has got me written all over it.“

„You can go proper racing with proper drivers and have a really good time.“

TitansRX founder and CEO Max Pucher was thrilled to not only get McCarthy onboard, but secure him for the full season, having been unsure if the veteran would be up for a motorsport comeback at all.

„It is great to see the spirit and enthusiasm that Top Gear’s original Stig Perry McCarthy – as someone who has seen it all – is bringing to TitansRX,“ Pucher said. „I was not sure if he could be bothered to go and renew his racing license, [but] from discussing a wildcard drive in Lydden Hill, we went to a nearly full season participation fairly quickly. I’m glad to have him onboard.“

Although he’s climbed the single-seater ladder and raced in sports cars and touring cars all over the world, McCarthy’s TitansRX debut will mark the first time he has ever competed in a rallycross event.

„I’ve not done rallycross before – I mean, I have been on the grass a few times, but that that wasn’t deliberate,“ he joked. „It’s rather difficult because I’m rather hoping there’s something left inside me.“

„I’m now 58 but I do believe I can have a go at them. I do need a tiny bit of time in the car, these guys are too good to just hand it all to them.“