Kevin Hansen: „To win where my rallycross career started is really special“

Kevin Hansen was thrilled to claim his long-awaited first rallycross final victory on the road this season at Lydden Hill last weekend.

While the Swede has been a race winner in World Rallycross this season, the result came after a post-race decision. At ‚the home of rallycross‘, Hansen dominated, having a strong run in qualifying before going on to sweep his semi-final and the final in convincing fashion.

„It was really nice to get my first win of the season, crossing the line first,“ he said. „Overall it’s been such a great day; quick in warm-up, very good qualifying heats, a clean semi, and a very clean final. It summed up a great day and a great weekend for me with a double podium.“

„It’s a very very good feeling and to do it here where my rallycross career started is really special,“ he added. „I remember when I was small and in the Swift here so it’s very different but it’s so nice and to feel that I’ve developed so much over the years is really cool.“

Hansen’s victory in round four marks a shift from Essay where, by his own admission, he struggled over the course of the weekend – despite netting a podium in round two. Now he has the series points lead, holding a single point advantage over round two and three winner Topi Heikkinen.

„Essay I was struggling a bit, here was better. Here it was proper racing, I think we saw some great fights,“ he said. „I had a great battle with Timmy [Hansen], which we can have here in TitansRX – it’s not a random thing that we have so many great fights so really I think it’s super cool.“

Despite now sitting atop of the TitansRX standings, Hansen isn’t getting carried away, knowing that he is in the midst of an extremely tight battle for the top spot.

„I think I will just try to do my best at every circuit,“ he said. „Let’s see how Montalegre is, there’s a lot of tracks left and a lot of races, we’re not even halfway through the season.“