Tom Coronel looking to draw upon all of his experiences on TitansRX debut

Tom Coronel’s maiden TitansRX outings this weekend may be the first time he has driven a rallycross car in anger, but he’s no stranger to pushing the limits in different kinds of racing cars.

The popular touring car racer has raced – and won – in single seaters and sports cars in addition to tin tops, and has been a regular on the daunting Dakar rally for several years. Such a varied track record is something that Coronel thinks will help him hit the ground running in Montalegre.

„It’s one of the things which makes me enthusiastic about the style,“ he said. „It’s all about finding grip and understanding to have as much speed as possible, whether it’s wet or dirt or asphalt.“

At the previous rounds in Lydden Hill Abbie Eaton, Oliver Webb, and Perry McCarthy all starred, despite having never raced in rallycross before – much like how Coronel is making his own debut. The WTCC race winner said that he’s encouraged by their performance, but admits that their strong showing adds extra pressure on him.



No matter what his results are however, Coronel insisted that he’ll be racing with a smile on his face, and will be looking to earn some silverware later on in the season.

„When they had good results it means I’m under pressure,“ Coronel admitted. „I’m always positive-minded, even if I finish last I can smile because I enjoy what I’m doing.“

„Let’s first get the experience because I didn’t do any testing, so I think I need some mileage as well. For the first weekend let’s enjoy it, and let’s built up until the last few weekends which I hope to bring a trophy home,“ he added.

„It has four wheels, it has power, it has a steering wheel, it has brakes, so I’m excited. Let’s first enjoy the ride and see how my fans react and respond to my style in this new discipline, because I’m an overall racing driver – I do GT, Le Mans, WTCR, Dakar, this is just the one in between.“