Topi Heikkinen beats Kevin Hansen to round five top qualifying spot

Topi Heikkinen topped qualifying for round five of the 2019 Titans RX season, the first time he has done so since the season opener.

The Finn won his Q1 heat while also setting the fastest overall race time, a performance he repeated in Q3. His only challenger at the top was series points leader Kevin Hansen who, swept the board in Q2.

Both drivers were comfortably ahead of the rest of the field, with local wildcard driver Armindo Araujo starring on his rallycross debut to finish third, albeit 13 and 15 points adrift of Hansen and Heikkinen respectively.

Craig Breen made it two rally drivers in the top five with fourth. The Irishman was consistenly one of the fastest drivers across all three rounds, and also claimed a heat race win in Q1.

Timmy Hansen rounded out the top five, contact with Breen in Q3 harming his final race time and his chances of finishing higher up the board.

‚CsuCsu‘ and Andrew Jordan ended sixth and seventh respectively, ahead of Ivan Ares, another wildcard driver and rallycross debutante.

Despite overheating issues in Q1 caused by contanct, Jerome Grosset-Janin advanced, finishing ninth overall, ahead of Ronny C’Rock.

Although he retired from his Q3 race, Oliver Webb also advanced into the semi-finals, ending the morning 11th overall. Reini Sampl was the final driver to make it into semis, and was the only driver to complete his Q3 heat which proved to be highly attritional.

After running wide at the first corner, Tamara Molinaro was collected by Tom Coronel. The incident left Molinaro with broken right rear suspension, while Coronel was also forced to retire. Webb later withdrew from the race after also sustaining suspension damage after being hit by Coronel at the first turn.

The tough end to Q3 left Molinaro and Coronel down in 13th and 14th overall, with Perry McCarthy in 15th. The Brit began the day on the backfoot with a wiring issue preventing him from getting enough practice time.


TitansRX round 5 qualifying results


Q1 RP Q1 QP Q2 RP Q2 QP Q3 RP Q3 QP Total
1. Topi Heikkinen 30 30 25 29 30 30 174
2. Kevin Hansen 30 28 30 30 25 29 172
3. Armindo Arajuo 15 21 30 26 30 27 149
4. Craig Breen 30 29 20 28 15 26 148
5. Timmy Hansen 25 27 15 27 20 28 142
6. ‚CsuCsu‘ 25 24 20 22 25 25 141
7. Andrew Jordan 25 26 10 24 20 24 129
8. Ivan Ares 20 25 25 25 10 21 126
9. Jerome Grosset-Janin 15 20 30 23 15 23 126
10. Ronny C’Rock 20 23 15 21 10 22 111
11. Oliver Webb 15 19 25 19 DNF 15 93
12. Reini Sampl 10 16 DNF 15 30 20 91
Eliminated after Q3
13. Tamara Molinaro 20 22 10 20 DNF 15 87
14. Tom Coronel 10 18 20 18 DNF 15 81
15. Perry McCarthy 10 17 15 17 DNF 15 74