Kevin Hansen takes series crown with Estering win

Kevin Hansen was crowned the inaugural series winner of TitansRX after taking victory in the final round of the season at Estering.

The Swede was the only driver to finish on the podium in every race, and won four times over the course of the 2019 season.

In the final at Estering he emerged from a hotly-contested first corner battle in the lead and never looked back as his title rivals fell by the wayside.

Firstly Topi Heikkinen slowed considerably when his bonnet flew up and covered his windscreen. In a bid to avoid the struggling Finn, Timmy Hansen missed his braking point at turn two, which set him back. He later developed a technical issue, all-but-guaranteeing the title for his younger brother before the race’s end.

Behind Kevin Hansen, Kevin Eriksson recovered from being shuffled down the order on the first lap to claim second, capping off a fine debut weekend in TitansRX for him. He held off a charging Jerome Grosset-Janin in the final laps of the seven-lap contest, with the Frenchman settling for third – his third successive podium finish and his fourth of the season.

Tamara Molinaro finished a distant third after also being forced out on the opening lap, while Timmy Hansen and Heikkinen did manage to make the finish as well, albeit in fifth and sixth placer, 19 and 36 seconds adrift of the race winner respectively.

At the semi-final stage, ‚CsuCsu‘, Ronny C’Rock, and Abbie Eaton were all eliminated in a relatively tame first race, while in the second, Oliver Webb was taken out of a transfer spot when he was hit by an aquaplaning Andreas Steffen. Wildcard driver Rene Munnich joined those two on the sidelines.



TitansRX round 12 final results

1. Kevin Hansen 05:04.614
2. Kevin Eriksson 05.05.687
3. Jerome Grosset-Janin 05:06.681
4. Tamara Molinaro 05:14.327
5. Timmy Hansen 05:23.345
6. Topi Heikkinen 05:40.628


Kevin Hansen leaves Germany as the first-ever series winner in TitansRX history. Timmy Hansen secured second place, 35 points behind by virtue of this weekend’s double points format. Like the Hansen brothers Heikkinen was guaranteed a top-three series position coming into this weekend – he took third, ahead of round 11 winner Grosset-Janin.

Molinaro claimed the final coveted spot in the top-five, beating ‚CsuCsu‘ and Ronny C’Rock, with Steffen, Craig Breen, and Webb all rounding out the top-10, the trio having not completed a full campaign.


TitansRX series final standings (top 15)

1. Kevin Hansen 317
2. Timmy Hansen 282
3. Topi Heikkinen 281
4. Jerome Grosset-Janin 213
5. Tamara Molinaro 151
6. ‚CsuCsu‘ 141
7. Ronny C’Rock 124
8. Andreas Steffen 103
9. Craig Breen 84
10. Oliver Webb 80
11. Kevin Eriksson 72
12. Andrew Jordan 67
13. Abbie Eaton 64
14. Hayden Paddon 58
15. Reini Sampl 55